The Most Trending Careers By Google Search

Do you know what careers and training programs people are choosing today after planning a switch? The recent Google Search trends data is here to answer your query. In the past year, many countries including the USA have witnessed a huge number of resignations, hence the ‘Great Resignation’. The top 5 among these countries are: Philippines South Africa USA Australia UK And guess what, Google determined this data based on the searches for how to leave your job.

Top 10 Most Searched Jobs People Want

Later, to know what people are planning to pursue next, Google searched around “how to become”, which resulted in different career paths. The top ones are given in the following section. As per the Google Search Data, the following were the top 10 jobs, most WhatsApp Number List searched by people in a year’s period i. e from January 2021 to January 2022: Real estate agent Flight attendant Notary Therapist Pilot Firefighter Personal trainer Psychiatrist Physical therapist Electrician Training Program Not just the career paths, Google also searched what training and certification programs people are looking for to upgrade their skills. 

Most Searched Professional Training & Certification

And it came across the following trends: Programs During the period between January 2021-January 2022, people in the USA searched for the following training and certification programs: Google Analytics professional certificate NCMA certification Child development associate certificate Eyelash technician training program Electrical training program Real estate training program KYB Directory Barber training program Important SEO Tips, If You Are An Employer If you are an employer who’s looking for candidates in any of the above trending streams, here are a few tips for you: Ease up the job finding by using structured data for job postings. Let them apply for jobs directly on your website. Use a special markup type for specific postings like remote job offers, etc. Remove the special markup, when you are no longer looking for candidates.

Author: c9i8x

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