So What Does a Copywriter Do Exactly

There are many terms used to describe writers in the modern marketing world. Strategists, specialists, content creators, and the list goes on. While there are similarities between all of them, there are a few professions that deserve their own title.

A copywriter is a very specific subset of content writers who have clear goals.

In this article, we’ll help you learn what a copywriter is and what they do that makes them unique from other types of digital content creators.

What Exactly Does a Copywriter Do

While some copywriters work in-house at a company and solely create content for their employer, there are Ws Number List also freelance copywriters who work for themselves.

Just like other types of freelance writers, a freelance copywriter is a person who has a roster of clients that they help on a project-by-project basis.

There are many reasons why a copywriter might consider freelancing. For one, it allows them to be their own boss and pick and choose the clients they work with. It also opens up the spectrum of revenue they can collect and gives them more freedom to organize their days.

However, there are also risks like struggling to find clients, managing a business, and the lack of security that comes from a traditional job.

What is a UX Copywriter?
“UX” is an acronym for “user experience”.

A UX copywriter is someone who specializes in creating copy aimed at improving the user experience on a company’s website or other channels. This includes copy that helps users make the right decision or instructs them on what to do next.

Things like app instructions, website prompts, or data visualizations all fall under the umbrella of UX copywriting.

Do Copywriters Make Good Money

The best way to begin is to get out there and start writing. By taking on small jobs and working up, you can build a reputation for yourself and develop a strong resume.

A platform like WriterAccess is geared toward freelancers and is a great way to start a side hustle until you have KYB Directory enough experience and clients to go full-time.

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