Quality standards for access to infrastructure. Furthermore, infrastructure planning is not or at EU level. All of this threatens to create a market, with national regulations that entrench suboptimal investments and solutions, preventing the emergence of a single market. Although the emerging market for carbon use already benefits from selective incentives in the CELE, the Renewable Energy Directive, the Innovation Fund and Horizon Europe, these do not appear to be sufficient to implement the capture and use of carbon dioxide on a large scale. For the European Commission, the industrial management of carbon dioxide emissions, which falls into the category of climate change mitigation policy, could be bettercooperation and coordination will be essential to ensure coherence in CO transport, use and storage.

 To address these challenges

The College of Commissioners is to adopt a Communication, in the week of February, aimed at proposing an EU strategy for creating a market for the industrial management of carbon dioxide emissions by , in order to support efforts in sectors where it is difficult to emissions, which must apply carbon dioxide captu Business Email List re and storage, carbon dioxide capture and utilization, or industrial carbon dioxide removals to become point neutral from a climatic point of view. The strategy will tend to be based on the most recent modeling results for available to the Commission, the results of two ongoing studies on CO transport and storage infrastructure, contributions from the Forum on Capture, Use and Storage of CO Carbon (CUAC Forum), in a stakeholder consultation platform dedicated to issues of industrial management of carbon dioxide emissions and in the results of a public consultation.

 To seek to resolve the problems

Described above, the Commission should consider including the following elements in the strategy: – propose storage infrastructure targets for and to reduce risks and better target investments in the emerging market for industrial carbon dioxide emissions management solutions; – identify regulatory needs relating to emerging CO transport and storage infrastructure, including third-party access, CO quality standards, regulatory oversig Arabia Email List ht and long-term infrastructure planning; – explore the role of industrial carbon dioxide removals in EU climate policies; – explore coordinated EU and Member State financing for industrial carbon dioxide emissions management projects that stimulate private investment in solutions for long-term decarbonization and CO use; – explore the role of an industrial initiative; – define stages for market development; – explore other potential measures that could facilitate the implementation of industrial management of carbon dioxide emissions in Europe – explore issues related to raising public awareness of the industrial management of carbon dioxide emissions.

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