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Specific ideas? You can paint a nearby orphanage together or take the dogs from the city shelter for a walk. It is also worth considering that, instead of buying employee awards, allocate these funds – or part of them – to a cause that you both consider important. Helping those who nee it is a great way to strengthen the bonds between employees even better. A jubilee party is usually associate with a party in a restaurant or club. Meanwhile, a jubilee is a state of mind, not a specific place. Maybe it’s time to do something different than before.

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What can be done instead of a gala as part of the company’s anniversary celebration? Ideas can be multiplie. One of them is to create an original mural together on the walls of your headquarters or company warehouse. A jubilee can be Bulk SMS Philippines a good opportunity to do something for the first time. It’s a good time for a bit more extreme entertainment. We usually lack the courage to do them on a daily basis. Meanwhile, crossing your own boundaries can bring interesting results. Discover hidden energy and new ideas. It’s not about forcing anyone to do something co-workers with a fear of heights to bungee jump. The goal is to enable people who build the value of your company to do something that is unattainable for them on a daily basis.

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Ultimately, they will decide whether to take advantage of the proposal presente to them. What counts is the gesture and the ability to listen to KYB Directory nees, including those deeply hidden. Taking employees’ wishes into account is also a sign of the greatest respect. Do you want your company’s jubilee party to go down in history? Entrust the organization to us, and that’s exactly how it will be! Enter your e-mail, we will contact you How to organize a jubilee party? An anniversary. 10 years of the company – is not something you don’t expect.

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