Fireflies notification email

MP4 trimmer – Fireflies notification email
Now, you are ready to trim your MP4 file. Trim MP4 files by highlighting the transcript
Fireflies provides the easiest solution for trimming specific quotes or dialogues from an MP4 file. Just follow these steps: Open the transcript and highlight the section you want to trim.

Click Create Soundbite.

MP4 trimmer – Trim MP4 files by highlighting the transcript
A new window will open. You’ll notice that Fireflies uses AI to name your sound bites based on the transcript’s text.

Trim MP4 files by highlighting the transcript

Feel free to change the name as per your preference.

Now, click Done.

MP4 trimmer – Trim MP4 files by highlighting the transcript
And that’s how you trim an MP4 by highlighting the transcript.

Related: M4A Trimmer: How Fireflies Makes Audio Clip Creation Easy
Try Fireflies for free!
2. Trim MP4 files using drag and select
The second method is: Drag and select transcript.

Try this method if you want to make your sound bites super specific.

Step 1: Click Create Soundbite on the top right.

MP4 trimmer – Trim MP4 files using drag and select
Step 2: Click Create next to the drag and select transcript option.

Trim MP4 files using drag and select

A new window will open.

Step 3: Drag the left and right markers to choose the section you wish to trim.

MP4 trimmer – Trim MP4 files using drag and select
Or you can enter precise timestamps.

MP4 trimmer – Trim MP4 files using drag and select
Hit the play button to review the section you’re trimming and make any adjustments needed. When you’re happy with it, click Create Soundbite.

Paid Fireflies plans offer automatic MP4 file trimming using AI. There are two methods available:

1. Magic Soundbites: Fireflies automatically detects significant moments in the audio and divides them into separate trims.
2. Keyword Soundbites: Fireflies generates soundbites based on specific keywords and phrases.

Let’s take a look at both:

1. Magic Soundbites
Step 1: Click Create Soundbite from the top right.

MP4 trimmer – Trim MP4 files using AI – Magic soundbites
Step 2: Click Create next to the Magic Soundbites option.

MP4 trimmer – Trim MP4 files using AI – Magic soundbites
Step 3: Click Generate Soundbites.

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