Derek Halpern Tweeted A Link

Yesterday,  If you’re looking for more traffic, STOP I’m a regular twitter user and users tweet like this to get more clicks on their links. I would have clicked on the link, but I just stopped there. Of course, who wouldn’t want to get traffic. Derek Halpern – Social Triggers I immediately opened a new tab in Firefox and opened his blog to get an overview of what was going on. I opened the latest blog post, with the same enticing title. I must say it is worth a read. First of all, I must say that he knows how to persuade. Yes, he really does, because I don’t often click on links in tweets. But I was lucky enough to get this link to a post he wrote about getting readers, not visitors.

Finding Readers in the Design Blog Niche

Up until now, I just meant to increase traffic. Traffic in this sense, also Google search engine traffic and referrals. Until now, I only thought about whatsapp mobile number list increasing the counter number, which was stuck at about 700 daily visits for this blog. Of courset we all want traffic, but traffic is nothing if you help if your blog is useful. Getting loyal readers is much better than getting traffic is what I learned yesterday. I know I don’t have the best writing or persuasive skills. Besides, it’s a design blog that people expect out of the box. Tutorials, resources, freebies? I’m working damn hard on them and recently released a Thesis Skin for Thesis 2.0 if you don’t know about it.

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Why readers and not visitors

Why readers and not visitors? This may be an obvious question to you, not to me. You have to accept that traffic helps you earn from your blog, readers are KYB Directory mostly repeat visitors. They don’t click on the same ads every time, even though the visitor can. So why did I agree with generated readers and not visitors? The answer is simple. Conversion!! Conversion is the only thing. Readers who will listen to what you have to say and buy what you areselling. This is the exact phrase that defines the readers of a blog post. So far, I have produced articles that were helpful, though not informative. When I started this blog, my simple plan was to first make this blog popular and get targeted traffic. After that, sell ads on the blog using BuySellAds and use Google Adsense.

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